The Disciple-Making Dentist

The Disciple-Making Dentist

Last night, I had an awesome experience. I went to a dental office for a discipleship group. Yes, you heard me right: I went to a dental office for a discipleship group. I did not go to a church, a house, or a restaurant. I went to a place where they work on teeth! In thirty years of ministry, this is the first time I have ever sat in a discipleship group meeting in a dental office. It was beautiful…

Build Your Biblical Vocabulary

Build Your Biblical Vocabulary

Have you ever listened to a sermon or Bible study and the speaker used a word that just flew over your head? I have! Sometimes big “church” words can be intimidating. It’s easy to just nod your head and act like it makes perfect sense, but some of these words pop up repeatedly around the church in messages, studies, or even songs. I think it’s important to understand their meanings. If you don’t, you risk…

Abundant Life Always Works

Abundant Life Always Works

Today I ate lunch with a couple of fellow ministers that were both asking the question, “What is wrong with the Church?” Both men care deeply about Christ’s Church and our effectiveness in making disciples. We had a good robust debate about what is working and what is not working in the Church today…

11 Local Date Night Ideas

11 Local Date Night Ideas

As married couples, we should always be making date nights a priority, but for some reason, holidays, birthdays, and special events make us more aware and more excited about having a date night!

If you’re in need of a date night or you don’t have plans yet for the next special occasion, try out some of these date night ideas. It doesn't matter where you go, just enjoy spending time together…

Why Is Marriage So Tough?

Why Is Marriage So Tough?

Marriage is the most mysterious relationship two human beings will ever know. It can be the most wonderful, exciting, fulfilling, life-giving, meaningful experience a person could ever have. And, it can be the most painful, exhausting, miserable, draining, frustrating experience anyone could imagine. I once heard someone say, “Marriage is the most perfect picture of heaven and hell we will know this side of eternity.” Some might think this is a bit over dramatic, but I agree with it completely…

Managing Your Money

Managing Your Money

A couple of years ago, our staff was getting ready to go through the Financial Peace University class together. My mom was leading the class and wanted me to go, but I really didn’t want to go because I didn’t see the point in it for me. I was only twenty years old at the time with no debt and no mortgage payment, so I thought that the class didn’t really apply to my life…

Equip Me According to Your Word

Equip Me According to Your Word

The start of a new year brings so many mixed emotions. From excitement and anticipation, to renewed hopes and goals, to relief and renewal. So many of us set out to accomplish new goals; long-term and short-term at the start of the year. We quickly jump on the band-wagon of “New Year, New Me” by setting fitness goals, spiritual renewals, and personal mantras…

A Sweet Celebration

A Sweet Celebration

The holiday season can be full of so much excitement, joy, and…food! Growing up my fondest Christmas memories were spent gathered in the kitchen with whisks in hand, the smell of fresh-baked cookies overflowing into every room of the house, and cousins catching up with one another over a cup of hot chocolate at my grandma’s house. No matter what happened from one year to the next, my cousins and I could always count on this tradition…