
Build Your Biblical Vocabulary

Build Your Biblical Vocabulary

Have you ever listened to a sermon or Bible study and the speaker used a word that just flew over your head? I have! Sometimes big “church” words can be intimidating. It’s easy to just nod your head and act like it makes perfect sense, but some of these words pop up repeatedly around the church in messages, studies, or even songs. I think it’s important to understand their meanings. If you don’t, you risk…

Abundant Life Always Works

Abundant Life Always Works

Today I ate lunch with a couple of fellow ministers that were both asking the question, “What is wrong with the Church?” Both men care deeply about Christ’s Church and our effectiveness in making disciples. We had a good robust debate about what is working and what is not working in the Church today…

Championing and Reviving a Spirit of Joy

Championing and Reviving a Spirit of Joy

Have you ever thought, “Church is just boring.” No? Just me? Go ahead then, judge me, I can take it. I have sat through many services criticizing everything going on, imagining how I could do it better, and just wishing the service would end so I could leave. I was bored. It was boring. I wanted more…

Are You Disengaged?

Are You Disengaged?

I recently had some trouble with my lawn mower. The blade wasn’t engaging and therefore I wasn’t getting any grass cut. My motor was full throttle, but the blade was not making any progress. This problem with my mower is the same problem some church members have: they are disengaged with the Church. Their motor still works, but…

The Slow Death of Commitment

The Slow Death of Commitment

Here is an observation from thirty years of ministry. Every member of a church is either growing in his or her commitment to that church, dying in his or her commitment, or maintaining in his or her church commitment. Honestly, maintaining usually doesn’t happen that much. The truth is, most church members are becoming more committed or less committed over time…

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Recently, I was having a conversation about spiritual gifts with my small group. As I described the different spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament, many of my small group members began giving me the same look I give the car repairman when he is describing car parts and all that he did to repair my vehicle. I was surprised to learn that…

How the Church Partners with Parents

How the Church Partners with Parents

Did you know that from the day your child is born until high school graduation you have about 936 weeks? Every week counts. In fact, every day counts. Let's be real, parenting is not for the weak. I remember when my daughter was a few weeks old and wouldn't sleep, and I thought, “This is it?” Don't all parents go through that at some point…