Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Recently, I was having a conversation about spiritual gifts with my small group. As I described the different spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament, many of my small group members began giving me the same look I give the car repairman when he is describing car parts and all that he did to repair my vehicle. I was surprised to learn that many in my group were not familiar with the spiritual gifts the apostle Paul describes in his New Testament letters.

Now concerning your spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. 1 Corinthians 12:1 (ESV)

How about you? If someone were to ask you what your spiritual gifts are, would you be able to respond? What would you say? Some believe that God-given spiritual gifts are simply the fruit of the Spirit, but the New Testament makes mention of 18 specific and actionable gifts apart from Paul’s famous writing in Galatians. In his letters to the churches in Rome, Ephesus, and Corinth, Paul describes spiritual gifts such as shepherding, evangelism, discernment, or mercy-showing…which gifts belong to you?

Every Christian would be wise to determine his or her spiritual gifts. Knowing the gifts that God has given you helps you find the best fit for serving in the church. Fortunately, we can help! Follow this link to take a spiritual gifts survey:

The knowledge of how God has gifted and wired you will inform and enhance your obedience for the rest of your life. Find out what your gifts are and ask God to give you opportunities to serve and glorify Him doing what you do best!

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