Golden Nuggets from Quarantine

Don’t take this the wrong way, please. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed the changes, interruptions and challenges of quarantine.  

This is not to diminish the pain and trauma that breaks my heart. It is unthinkable the severity of this virus and the toll it is taking on families. It is clearly an overwhelming time for all. 

But that is not what I have enjoyed – it has been seeing God working as He always is. He is not surprised or overwhelmed. He has gently reminded me in my quiet times of all He is doing for me (and you) as He has all our lives. 

I’ve had to figure out how to spend almost all my time at home. You have too. Here’s a verse that resonated with me.

Proverbs 14:14 “The backslider gets bored with himself; the godly man’s life is exciting.”

God is reminding me it’s all about priorities at the start of each new day, whether in routine circumstances or far from routine ones. If God is my first priority, my every day becomes an adventure with endless possibilities. Will I spend more time in His Word? Will I pray for others with renewed passion? Will I ask Him to show me ways to serve and care for others? Will I remember to be thankful? Will I put His agenda for my day first before my own? 

I’ve had to learn new things. I’ll bet you have too. I’m no spring chicken, but God has helped me to embrace change when my human nature really wants to have a knee-jerk response. New ways of communicating, new computer skills, new ways of completing tasks. Change is good and frankly, I needed it.

Keep changing me God!