The Best Workout You Can Do at Home

Colossians 1:16 says, “All things have been created through Him and for Him.” Because our entire being was made for Him, He has the right to dictate how we are to use our bodies—whether we acknowledge His authority or not. When you begin to understand that your body is not your own, you will start down a path towards better health. With most gyms either closing or limiting their hours during the COVID-19 Pandemic, for now it is best to get creative with keeping our bodies healthy during this season. Before we get into the workout, here are some tips to get your body prepared. As with any workout, make sure you’ve checked with your doctor about a safe level of physical activity for your body.

Drink Water

As a rule of thumb, make sure to drink 8 oz. of water 30 minutes before your workout. Water actually helps regulate your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It also helps transport nutrients to give you energy and keep you healthy. If you're not hydrated, your body can't perform at its highest level.


We’ve all heard that stretching is important for our bodies. But why? Stretching actually helps your body become more pliable and decreases your risk of injury. It is important to always start with a good warm-up to get your heart rate up and then ease into some dynamic stretches. 

Play Some Music

For some people, finding the motivation to workout from home is difficult. By making an upbeat playlist, you will feel your spirits lift, and you will soon have that motivation you need to complete the workout. 

The Workout

This workout requires no weights or special equipment, but be sure to be familiar with the exercises before you start. It will be a two cycle, interval style workout. Make sure to have a glass of water nearby! Feel free to modify these exercises for your physical activity level. The important thing is to keep moving and get some form of regular exercise.

Cycle 1: 3 Sets and 1 Minute Rest in Between

High Knees (30 Seconds)

Alternating Lunges (5-10 each leg)

Push Up or Modified Push Up (10-20)

Mountain Climbers (30 Seconds)

1 Minute Rest

Repeat (2X) for a total of 3 sets

Cycle 2: 3 Sets and 1 Minute Rest in Between

Squats (8-12)

Body Weights Tricep Dips (8-12)

Ab Crunches (30 Seconds)

Frog Jumps (30 Seconds)

1 Minute Rest

Repeat (2X) for a total of 3 sets

Once you have completed the workout, make sure you stretch properly and hydrate. For best results, do this workout at least three times per week and feel free to modify or add in exercise according to your fitness level.

What are some ways you are moving and staying active right now? Share in the comments!